Travel Tech Blog

Business Travel Rockstar Interview - Nick Scott

Quotes-Portraits-Mit-Label-Nick-ScottNick Scott, Managing Director at arrangeMY and Board Member of the Focus Travel Partnership

How did you start your career and how did you get into Travel?

I started my career in travel straight out of technical college with Regal Hotels in what might nowadays be called an apprenticeship in the national sales office based in Newbury. The 3 hours daily commute coupled was always going to make or break me and so delighted that nearly 30 years later I’m still in contact with many ex-colleagues who’ve remained in the industry. 

Is there anything that fascinates you about this industry?

It’s the people that our industry attracts that’s stopped me from exploring elsewhere, there must be a bug that gets under your skin as other industries don’t seem so much fun with such fun people. 

Who inspired you?

As for inspiration it’s be a cheesy and but popular one but has to be my parents. If you’ve met mum and Dad you won’t need me to explain, but in short I remain ever thankful they did the hard yards in setting up our business in the 1990’s so it all seems quite easy in comparison. 

What was your most memorable experience during your career?

So many great experiences along the way make it difficult to choose but at the moment it’s got to be the pandemic while it’s still fresh in the mind. Rather than focus on the negatives however I prefer to remember how we all came together and gave us a chance to really show our company values…. And first time in a long time that there was actually no pressure. 

In your view, what is the greatest achievement in travel technology since the millennium shift?

The greatest achievement in travel tech has got to be the rise of the online booking tool. While arrangeMY resolutely position ourselves to be all about our people and care, the online platforms and increasing level of content available allow us to provide best in class assistance both on and off line. 

Your favourite piece of technology created for the travel industry ever? (Except Midoco/Umbrella of course)

My favourite piece of technology created for the travel industry is TripAdvisor. Never has choosing a destination been more insightful.

What would you recommend travel newbies to do in terms of technology?

For those new to travel (especially the agent side) I would simply say get involved in the conversation. I’m on the board of the Focus Travel Partnership and I’d recommend the tech panel to anyone for self and industry development. 

At present, what are the hottest and most relevant challenges in the industry?

Challenges can often be great opportunities and I try and instill a culture of optimism within arrangeMY. No matter how many times I’ve heard it the travel agent still isn’t dead and I’d even argue we are valued more by our clients today than ever. One day NDC will be old tech and the potential for AI to enhance our offering is genuinely exciting. 

Quick-fire questions

Water or mountains? Mountains
Train or plane?


Tea or coffee? Coffee before noon, tea after
Dog or cat? Dog
Beach or adventure? Adventure
Remote, office or hybrid? Office
Favourite movie? Love Actually - first date with my wife 
Favourite song?

Changes hourly but usually Britpop based

Favourite destination?


Being a travel rockstar yourself which Rockstar would you like to meet?

Sting – had tickets 3 times but never quite got there…. 4 time lucky in July 

Have you ever met a rockstar?

U2 in Prague 1997. Unsure if Bono would remember as clearly as I remember him

What’s next on your bucket list?

Trying to take Friday afternoons off – living the dream


Who's the next Business Travel Rockstar we should interview?

I nominate Douglas O'Neill of Inntel

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