Hilden, 1st of March 2024 - To provide optimal support for travel agencies, Midoco and AirPlus have developed an interface that allows for the direct generation of virtual credit card numbers for AirPlus products Virtual Cards Classic and Virtual Cards Travel Trade from within Midoco Midoffice.
The new functionality allows to create virtual credit card numbers via an existing order in Midoco or directly via the Midoco CRM if there is no order attached to an existing CRM record in Midoco.
Flexibility is a crucial factor for the success of a travel agency and depends significantly on the efficiency of operations between front, mid, and back-office. Through intelligent automation, these processes can be optimised, functions accelerated, processes streamlined, innovations promoted, and collaboration improved in general.
The following benefits are provided by this innovation:
"Virtual credit cards offer a secure, flexible, and user-friendly solution for online payments, especially in the travel sector. Their use allows users to maintain control over their finances and minimize the risk of fraud. To support this process, we have created a solution in MIDOCO Midoffice to largely automate card generation and integrate it into existing CC payment processes. This way, manual work can also be minimized," says Jörg Hauschild, Managing Director and COO of MIDOCO Holding GmbH.